and ask concierge for the guide. Use our easy to follow, graded rides. Choose the Family Trail, see more with the Explorer Trail or go further with the Adventure Trail and make your own rides with the Discovery Routes.
The Forest of Dean is a wonderful area for leisure cycling. This guide has easy to follow, graded rides. Potter round the Family Trail. See more with the Explorer Trail. Go further with the adrenalin filled Adventure Trail and make your own rides with the Discovery Routes.
- Places to eat, drink and things to do identified ~ so plan your route from pub to pub or attraction to pub
- The layout of this is superb it just folds out into quarters and each quarter panel and map together is good on the handle-bars. 1:25m000 rout map.
- Clear step-by-step directions for 43 miles of rides
- Tips and help to find your way
- A further 46 miles of easily rideable shortcuts, links and alternatives
- Printed on waterproof and tear-proof plastic!